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Valerie Perry: Mothers, Mavericks, and Mavens 03.17.25
March 17
11:30 AM
Karl Beckwith Smith: Painting Old Charleston 03.21.25
March 21
11:30 AM
Natasha Boyd: Indigo Girl 03.24.25
March 24
11:30 AM
David Hoffman: The Hand Tools that Built Charleston 03.28.25
March 28
11:30 AM
Justin Schwebler: From St. George's to Charles Towne - History of Bermuda Stone 03.31.25
March 31
11:30 AM
Michael Moore: Robert Smalls, The Inside Story 04.04.25
April 4
11:30 AM
Andrew Agha: Recent Archaeological Discoveries from the Russell House 04.07.25
April 7
11:30 AM
Robert Rosen: The Men at the Battle of Fort Sullivan 04.11.25
April 11
11:30 AM