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Themed Walking Tour: Ironwork 03.13.25
March 13
9:15 AM
Charleston by Design Opening Night Party 03.13.25
March 13
6:00 PM
Themed Walking Tour: Churches and Steeples 03.14.25
March 14
9:15 AM
Design in Mind Lecture I: Ellie Cullman 03.14.25
March 14
10:00 AM
Design in Mind Lecture II: Ben Pentreath and Peter Pennoyer 03.14.25
March 14
1:00 PM
Charleston by Design Home Tour 03.14.25
March 14
3:00 PM
The Art of Dining 03.14.25
March 14
6:00 PM
Themed Walking Tour: The Living Museum 03.15.25
March 15
9:15 AM
Design in Mind Lecture III: Bobby McAlpine 03.15.25
March 15
10:00 AM
Design in Mind Lecture IV: Dara Caponigro, Tim Whealon, Martyn Bullard 03.15.25
March 15
1:00 PM
ACBA + Christian Sottile Tour 03.15.25
March 15
4:00 PM
Charleston by Design Insider's Pass (03.13.25 - 03.16.25)
March 16
12:00 AM
A Morning with Mottahedeh 03.16.25
March 16
9:00 AM