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TOUR: Beyond the Garden Gates 03.14.25
March 14
2:00 PM
TOUR: South Battery 03.19.25
March 19
2:00 PM
Architectural Splendor: Tour of Showcase Houses 03.20.25
March 20
10:00 AM
TOUR: Rutledge Avenue 03.20.25
March 20
2:00 PM
TOUR: Beyond the Garden Gates 03.21.25
March 21
2:00 PM
TOUR: South Battery 03.22.25
March 22
2:00 PM
TOUR: Rutledge Avenue 03.23.25
March 23
2:00 PM
TOUR: Tradd Street 03.26.25
March 26
2:00 PM
Architectural Splendor: Tour of Showcase Houses 03.27.25
March 27
10:00 AM
TOUR: King Street 03.27.25
March 27
2:00 PM
Architectural Splendor: Tour of Showcase Houses 03.28.25
March 28
10:00 AM
TOUR: Tradd Street 03.29.25
March 29
2:00 PM
TOUR: King Street 03.30.25
March 30
2:00 PM
TOUR: Anson Street 04.01.25
April 1
2:00 PM
TOUR: Church Street 04.02.25
April 2
2:00 PM
Garden Splendor Tour 04.03.25
April 3
10:00 AM
TOUR: Anson Street 04.03.25
April 3
2:00 PM
TOUR: Beyond the Garden Gates 04.04.25
April 4
2:00 PM
TOUR: Church Street 04.06.25
April 6
2:00 PM
TOUR: East Bay Street 04.09.25
April 9
2:00 PM
Garden Splendor Tour 04.10.25
April 10
10:00 AM
Garden Splendor Tour 04.11.25
April 11
10:00 AM
TOUR: Beyond the Garden Gates 04.11.25
April 11
2:00 PM
TOUR: East Bay Street 04.12.25
April 12
2:00 PM
2025 The Charleston Festival Gift Certificate
April 14
8:30 AM