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Workshop: Calligraphy 03.18.25
March 18
10:00 AM
Workshop: Sweet Grass Basket Making 03.18.25
March 18
1:30 PM
Workshop: Cocktail Bandits 03.18.25
March 18
5:30 PM
Music Series: Kanika Moore 03.20.25
March 20
7:30 PM
Lecture on Location: Marvelous Murals with Karl Beckwith Smith 03.21.25
March 21
3:00 PM
Workshop: Sunrise Photo Walkabout 03.22.25
March 22
6:00 AM
Lecture on Location: Behind the Scenes of Middleton Place 03.23.25
March 23
10:15 AM
Limited ticket quantities remain for this event
Music Series: Jazz at The Emeline 03.23.25
March 23
5:00 PM
Workshop: Quilting with Rick 03.25.25
March 25
10:00 AM
Workshop: Sweet Grass Basket Making 03.25.25
March 25
1:30 PM
Workshop: Colonial Cocktails - Rum + Madeira 03.25.25
March 25
5:30 PM
Music Series: Charlton Singleton & the Honeycomb Jazz Orchestra 03.27.25
March 27
7:30 PM
Lecture on Location: Behind the Scenes of Preservation at the Aiken-Rhett House 03.28.25
March 28
3:00 PM
Music Series: Music Under the Magnolias 03.28.25
March 28
5:00 PM
Workshop: Calligraphy 04.01.25
April 1
10:00 AM
Workshop: Container Gardening Demonstration 04.01.25
April 1
1:00 PM
Workshop: Cocktail Bandits 04.01.25
April 1
5:30 PM
Music Series: The Plantation Singers 04.03.25
April 3
5:30 PM
Campus Tour and Workshop at American College of Building Arts 04.04.25
April 4
3:00 PM
Workshop: Quilting with Rick 04.08.25
April 8
10:00 AM
Workshop: Container Gardening Demonstration 04.08.25
April 8
1:00 PM
Workshop: Colonial Cocktails - Rum + Madeira 04.08.25
April 8
5:30 PM
Music Series: The Plantation Singers 04.10.25
April 10
5:30 PM
Campus Tour and Workshop at American College of Building Arts 04.11.25
April 11
3:00 PM
Workshop: Photo Walkabout 04.12.25
April 12
9:00 AM